
Standard Stair Treads
in Bonus Room
Hardwood Stair Treads
in Bonus Room


5-inch Address Numbers
in Address Style
Plaque Address Numbers
in Address Style
Stone Address Numbers
in Address Style
Modern Address Numbers
in Address Style


Standard 5-inch Base
in Baseboards
1x6 Craftsman Base Throughout Home
in Baseboards
7-inch Base Throughout Home
in Baseboards
5-inch Crown to All Flat Ceiling Rooms
in Crown Molding
Replace 2 Piece with 5-inch Cove in Standard Areas
in Crown Molding
Replace 2 Piece with 5-inch Cove in Standard Areas and Flat Ceiling
in Crown Molding
481 Style Door and Window Casing
in Door & Window Casings
Craftsman Style Door and Window Casing
in Door & Window Casings
36-inch Standard Style Wainscoting No Shadow Boxes
in Wainscoting
36-inch Traditional Style Wainscoting with Shadow Boxes
in Wainscoting
Tall Shaker Style Wainscoting
in Wainscoting
Wood Shelving
in Primary Closet
Drop Zone Cabinets with Countertop
in Storage
Bench and Cubby
in Storage
Floating Shelf Craftsman Cubby
in Storage
Two Panel Craftsman Cubby
in Storage
Shiplap Open Shelves Cubby
in Storage
Shiplap Accent Wall
in Dining Room
Wooden Spindles
in Handrails
Twisted Wrought Iron Spindles
in Handrails
Twisted Wrought Iron Spindles with Baskets
in Handrails
Iron Spindles
in Handrails
Craftsman Pickets
in Handrails

fireplace accents

Wood Fireplace Hearth
in Fireplace Hearth
Brick Mountain Brook - Ivory
in Fireplace Hearth
Brick Rockwell - Grey
in Fireplace Hearth
Brick Painted Commercial White
in Fireplace Hearth
Brick Painted Delicate White
in Fireplace Hearth
Dynasty 6x12 - Carrara
in Fireplace Surround Tile
Dynasty 6x12 - Grey
in Fireplace Surround Tile
Dynasty 6x12 - Ivory
in Fireplace Surround Tile
Skyline 4x8 - Brick Lane
in Fireplace Surround Tile
Skyline 4x8 - Highrise Grey
in Fireplace Surround Tile
Skyline 4x8 - Sunset Street
in Fireplace Surround Tile

fireplace mantels

in Fireplace Mantel
in Fireplace Mantel
in Fireplace Mantel
in Fireplace Mantel
in Fireplace Mantel
Standard Accent
in Fireplace Mantel
Upgrade Accent
in Fireplace Mantel
Shiplap Accent
in Fireplace Mantel


Blinds Throughout House on all Functioning Windows
in Blinds


Standard Shelving
in Pantry
Wood Shelving
in Pantry

Please be advised that the plans and products offered by Stone Martin Builders are frequently refined and enhanced. Accordingly, tours, and other materials on may not always be updated immediately to reflect recent plan revisions and/or current offerings. The available plan offerings, and the included and optional features available for each plan, varies by subdivision and the specific characteristics and dimensions of our available lot inventory. Most included features are excluded from our Thrive plan series. Speak with one of our friendly On-Site Sales Professionals today for the most up-to-date information about our current offerings and lot availability so that we can help find your new dream home in any of our amazing communities! Purchasers should refer to their signed purchase agreement for specific plan features, options, selections, and all other matters relating to homes currently under contract.

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