Granite - Dallas White
in Countertops
Granite - Steel Grey
in Countertops
Granite - Luna Pearl
in Countertops
Granite - Leathered Finish Steel Grey
in Countertops
Granite - Colonial White
in Countertops
Granite - Oyster White
in Countertops
Granite - Fantasy Brown
in Countertops
Quartz - Lace White
in Countertops
Quartz - Bianco Carrara
in Countertops
Quartz - Carrara Mist
in Countertops
Granite - Leathered Finish Fantasy Brown
in Countertops
Quartz - Calacatta Duolina
in Countertops
Quartz - Pure White
in Countertops
Quartz - Calacatta Idillio
in Countertops
Quartz - Calacatta Lavasa
in Countertops
Quartz - Calacatta Venice
in Countertops
Quartz 2-cm - Bianca Carrara
in Countertops
Quartz 2-cm - Iced White
in Countertops
Standard Edge
in Countertops
Bullnose Edge
in Countertops
Ogee Edge
in Countertops
High Divide 60 40 Stainless Undermount Sink
in Kitchen Sink
High Divide 50 50 Stainless Undermount Sink
in Kitchen Sink
Single Bowl Stainless Undermount Sink
in Kitchen Sink
Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink
in Kitchen Sink
Single Egranite Anthracite
in Kitchen Sink
Single Egranite Truffle
in Kitchen Sink
Single Egranite White
in Kitchen Sink
Fireclay Smooth Front Farmhouse Sink
in Kitchen Sink
Baker Boulevard 4x16 - White Gloss - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard 4x16 - Carbon - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard 4x16 - Glacier - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard 4x16 - Taupe - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard 4x16 - Warm Grey - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard 4x12 Beveled - White Gloss - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Gateway 3x12 Picket - Cream - Horizontal Lay
in Backsplash
Gateway 3x12 Picket - Graywash - Horizontal Lay
in Backsplash
Gateway 3x12 Picket - Robins Egg - Horizontal Lay
in Backsplash
Gateway 3x12 Picket - White - Horizontal Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard 4x12 Beveled - White Gloss - Herringbone Lay
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard - Herringbone Matte Mosaic - Carbon
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard - Herringbone Matte Mosaic - Glacier
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard - Herringbone Matte Mosaic - Sage
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard - Herringbone Matte Mosaic - Taupe
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard - Herringbone Matte Mosaic - Warm Grey
in Backsplash
Baker Boulevard - Herringbone Matte Mosaic - White
in Backsplash
Geoscapes 4x16 - Light Grey - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Geoscapes 4x16 - Moss Green - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Geoscapes 4x16 - Taupe - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash
Geoscapes 4x16 - White - Third Stagger Lay
in Backsplash

Please be advised that the plans and products offered by Stone Martin Builders are frequently refined and enhanced. Accordingly, tours, and other materials on may not always be updated immediately to reflect recent plan revisions and/or current offerings. The available plan offerings, and the included and optional features available for each plan, varies by subdivision and the specific characteristics and dimensions of our available lot inventory. Most included features are excluded from our Thrive plan series. Speak with one of our friendly On-Site Sales Professionals today for the most up-to-date information about our current offerings and lot availability so that we can help find your new dream home in any of our amazing communities! Purchasers should refer to their signed purchase agreement for specific plan features, options, selections, and all other matters relating to homes currently under contract.

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