Purchasing Agent's Build Adventure- January 5th

Purchasing Agent's Build Adventure- January 5th

Jan 5, 2021

Update 5:

                             Happy New Year!                             

Drywall is done in both houses and trim is about 90% there. Learned all about bowed trim and the persistence of shooting 50 nails into something that only needs 5. Day 50 of no windows on both lots, so the struggle is very real. Learning how to flip the schedules around to really maximize our current situations to the best of our ability.  Great to see some real progress and be over halfway done, but also sucks to see stuff like conduit being missed and me missing it and having to cut into the slab. Everything is actually making a ton of sense and I don’t feel nearly as uneducated talking to subs and vendors anymore which is a plus through all this. 

Hope everyone has a great start to 2021 and wishing you all the best of luck as builds start to kick back up to the pace we are aiming for in 2021. I’ll be traveling next week so look forward to meeting some new faces and some old ones we haven’t seen in a few weeks.



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