Purchasing Agent's Build Adventure- January 19th

Purchasing Agent's Build Adventure- January 19th

Jan 19, 2021

Update 7:

Hello everyone,

Got brick on lot 7 Northbrook completed and already got flooring going in as well in bathrooms. Lot 8 is moving in the same direction, but unfortunately still no windows for the next few weeks.

Sat down with the super I’m working with and took a look at the spreadsheets you all fill out for the realtor meetings. All good info and good to see its coming across in a clear and easy way. I think there could be some good discussions regarding excel, BuilderTrend, sage, and the rest of our systems in regards to how it all affects you all that might help yall out in an easier way when I’m done with these first few builds. Starting to see a end point in these 2 builds and I see why you all do this for a living. Awesome to see the fulfillment in completing a big project like this and then do it 50 more times a year. 

Have a good short week!



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