Purchasing Agent's Build Adventure- December 29th

Purchasing Agent's Build Adventure- December 29th

Dec 28, 2020

Update 3:

Good morning!

Got drywall installs going on both houses by G Hernandez’s drywall crews. Went over Saturday while they did the work and observed some actual hanging to get a little bit of a better glimpse of what these guys follow on their scope of work. Interesting to see how they bulk hang these houses in Northbrook and then come by and finish all at once or at least attempt to.

Awesome to see how few PO’s I have left on my checklist’s before these bad boys are done. These next few pieces of the build are what interest me the most in regards to problems I see on a daily basis. The variances I see will be tracked and I’m hoping to dive a little deeper into these variances and see where our side of takeoffs and data integrity is off or how we could make these builds more seamless.

Windows are supposed to be delivered today, so fingers crossed on that. Regardless were going to keep pushing the builds as far as we can. Hoping to see a lot of these delays start to dissipate as we move into 2021 and get everything back to somewhat normal.

Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas!

Update 4:

Drywall, the build is getting real, real fast. I rode over on Christmas eve late in the afternoon and saw G Hernandez’s guys working their tails off to get it done. Getting a hang of this bills and schedule thing and it’s starting to become a routine that’s pretty enjoyable with the progress. Only big hiccup was a missed conduit in the slab that got missed the first day the electricians were on the job. 

Hope everyone has a great New Years and looking forward to kicking some ass in 2021 with our whole SMB team.



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